July 2, 2010


I originally found these pictures via the 'HAPPINESS IS...' blog.  They are a photoshoot taken by a couple, Tim & Mer to celebrate their honeyversary in Palm Springs. 
I absolutely love the vintage/retro feel to them.  It's so cute & unique. 

Now those who know me, know I am not a very girly or romantic person.  Oh sure I have my moments but in general, the gushy stuff just isn't for me.  These pictures, however, kind of make me squeal a little inside.  Particularly the one above of them watching the movie on the reel with their hands entwined. 

Check out the rest of the lovely photo's as well as the rest of Mer & Tim's work over at 'SWEET LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHS'.  I'm in love with their pinup girl photoshoots!

July 1, 2010

Typewriting Dreams

Sometimes I think that the one thing I need in my life is a vintage typewriter to work on.  The concept is so romantic.  The ringing of the keys.  The fresh ink as it hits the paper.  All while sitting at a desk next to the window that overlooks a hazy, summery field.  [I don't know why but that setting is always what I envision.]  Maybe if I had an old typewriter it would inspire me to finally finish one of the many novels or screenplays I've started over the years. 
Then reality sets in I remember how many spelling errors I make when typing, how many times I change my mind on a sentences format.  I think I'd use up the world supply of paper, not to mention my patience. 
No, I think for story writing I shall stick to my trusty laptop.  Still though, it would be nice to have a typewriter to play around with.  Perhaps write some letters and notes. 
[Those of you looking for a late birthday or early christmas present for me take note.]